The Best Way to Rent with a Car Rental Coupon

Picking up a rental car can be a nightmare.  It is one of the least favorite parts of travel for me.  It just sucks waiting forever filling out the paperwork.  It also feels confusing searching for some kind of discount (something I almost always do).  You type in car rental discount and it usually sends you to some website that spams the crap out of you and eventually gives you an expired car rental coupon.  Fail!

At our objective always has been to help you take more vacations more often than most people you know.  We want to do this by showing you tricks that will help you lower the cost of your vacation, so saving up for the next one is easier and faster than the last.

Booking a Rental Car with


This is their website

These guys are awesome.  They take all of the guesswork out of finding the best deal on a rental car.  The process is super simple.

car rental

1. Pick your dates and location- You need to fill out the information in the box just like you would use when you book your rental car with Expedia, Hotwire, Priceline, or whoever you are currently using.

If you need help with this section please ask your great-grandson who is 4 and he would be more than willing to help.


Best car rental

2.  Pick your Car- Find out which car is going to be the best for whatever you’re looking for.   In my case I needed a car that was at least full sized.  I’ve got two kids who need strollers, carseats, luggage, diapers, pack & play, etc.

This matrix is going to look really familiar because it is the same one that is used by all car rental agencies.

Fortunately for me automatically found a car rental coupon for me that they had added into the equation.  You can see the word “Discounted” explaining that CarRentalSavers has done the work to go out and find a coupon for exactly what I was looking for.

The biggest bonus for me was the fact that the Full Size vehicle was CHEAPER than the Economy.  Believe me, last year I rented a Economy and they gave me a Fiat 500, which was smaller than a Geo Metro.

3.  Confirm the price- This is where you see that they’ve done the homework and discovered that I was eligible for a discounted rate where I could save $25.  This is fantastic because I didn’t even have to spend time looking for an expired coupon while I filled up my computer spam for the next 4 months.

Car Rental Coupon

4. Give them your info-  Now you just input the rest of the missing information in the form to book the car.  NO credit card is needed to hold your reservation.

Some websites try to force you to pay for the car today, but not  They require you to input the information and the car rental company collects the money when you arrive at the counter.  If you choose to take a bump on the way to your destination you can easily rebook another car rental instead of being stressed about getting there for the reservation for which you’ve already paid!

car rental form














But is CarRentalSavers Cheaper?

Yeah baby!  Here is a quick look for the exact same days and location on Hotwire (who makes you pay at the time of booking).

hotwire car rental

Ouch! Hotwire wants $52.19 more for the exact same product than what I was able to find at  That is nearly 30% more expensive than using a car rental coupon from


Posted in Car Rentals, How to Wanderlust | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

A Photo Journal of our $81 Trip to Europe

I started telling some friends about our trip to Italy last fall and realized I have never really given our readers the photo-recap of our adventures. I lined out the itinerary in this post: Venice to Rome Itinerary in 13 days, but here I’ll offer a photo journal of our experiences.

To begin with, I can’t help but remind you that we booked this trip for nothing more than $81 and 40k AA miles each and that we stayed 13 nights in hotels and didn’t pay a dollar for a single one of them. This is the kind of life-capstone dream vacation that most people hope will come at some point in a very distant future.  Because we only paid some $1800 in out-of-pocket costs, this is the kind of thing we’re doing much more regularly – and it’s something you can do to if you’re willing to spend some time wanderlusting with us and discover what incredible vacations are closer to a reality for you than you might think.

Our flight was initially routed through Dusseldorf to Venice, but before ever leaving SLC, we got notice that our flight would be delayed and that we’d be missing our connection. The good news was that we’d instead be routed through Madrid. But that flight was also delayed so we missed the first connection to Venice but got a 7-hour layover in Madrid.  (Don’t worry, I used my own advice from the How to Write an Airline Complaint Letter and got AA to give us 5k AA points each for our troubles – netting our total cost to only 35k miles). I served a mission in Spain several years ago, so it was awesome to treat ourselves to some Spanish chorizo and tortilla de patatas.  We spent the day covering some of the major sites in Madrid, including this stop at the Plaza De Cibiles.

Plaza de Cibeles

We hustled back to the airport and boarded our plane to Venice.  Arriving after dark, we weren’t deterred from our original plans and we loaded up our rental car and headed for Slovenia.  By the time we arrived at Lake Bled, we couldn’t even see the lake, but could see the castle perched high above. Exhausted, we crashed at our B&B on the lake.

When I awoke the next morning, I couldn’t wait to look out the window, and when I did this is what I saw:

Lake bled bed and breakfast

I couldn’t even contain myself so I ran downstairs and rented a small rowboat for the next few hours.  I patiently waited for Nicole to wake up and then we ate some delicious pastries from a small bakery I found, then we rowed out to the island. There was another couple doing the same thing, so we swapped cameras with them and got this beautiful shot.


After an idyllic morning on the lake, we set out to hike into Vintgar gorge. Following a river of crystal clear water, we passed dozens of misty waterfalls and enjoyed the fall colors and the crisp air.

sloveniaEven doing all this, we had enough time to drive back to Venice, park our car, and take the train into the city.  We were a little pressed for time, but still arrived early enough to check into our incredible three-room hotel suite at the Hilton Molino Stucky – one we splurged all 40k Hilton points we had on and didn’t feel the slightest bit bad about.

In Venice we took in a small opera performance in an old palace – Musica a Palazzo, toured St. Mark’s Cathedral, the Doge’s Palace, got lost in the maze of narrow streets and canals and ate delcious food and Gelato. History and opulence abounded and nowhere was that more evident than in the Doge’s palace where the ceilings and walls gilded frames surrounded impressive paintings by Tintoretto.

doge palace venice

As if Venice weren’t enough, we then gorged ourselves on more history and opulence in Florence – a city with more artistic masterpieces than are housed in most countries. We saw Michealangelo’s David at the Academia, and countless other pieces that even us non-artistic types couldn’t help but appreciate.  But it was the buildings that were truly amazing.  We climbed to the top of the Duomo and took in Florence from its highest point, walked along the Arno river to the Ponte Vecchio, and marveled at the Palazzo Vecchio. Florence is intoxicating.


Not nearly having enough of the artistic beauty of Italy, even still we went for a change of scenery and headed out to Cinque Terre, where we stayed perched high above the coast with a commanding view.  We locked our love on the fence along the Via dell’Amore, and wondered if there really could be anything more unbelievably beautiful than the city of Riomaggiore.


leaning tower of pisaWe hiked from Corniglia to Vernazza and soaked it all in as best we could, took the train between some of the other cities and discovered cinnamon gelato.  It was a veritable buffet for the senses.  On our way to our next stop, Siena, we stopped and got the obligatory photo at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

We were staying outside of Siena in an agriturismo – a farmhouse B&B – and had a little trouble finding it, but with a little rough Italian and a lot of trial and we were able to find it.  This place was absolutely heaven on earth and we’d urge everyone to make it a point to stay there – it’s called Poggio Bonelli and the house that we stayed in was easily our favorite of the entire trip.

poggio bonelli

We did make it into Siena and we loved the city, but we could have spent weeks just sitting on the grounds and gazing at the countryside.  We had a delicious picnic of cured meats and unique cheeses, fresh bread, and local fruits, and did I mention my wife is hot?

Nicole picnic

After Tuscany, we took the scenic route from hill city to hill city, and for Nicole each new city was another reason to splurge on a gelato.  I was really excited to stay outside Orvieto at an ancient monastary that had been converted into a hotel.  It did not disappoint and neither did the city of Orvieto, where we feasted our eyes on a massive underground network of caves that we toured, our ears on a violinist outside the cathedral, and our mouths on a dinner of pesto gnocchi.

The next morning we set out to find the little-known Civita di Bagnoregio.  A cloud of fog hung low and impeded us from seeing it’s grandeur as we approached, but by mid-morning it had cleared to reveal this stunning sight.

Civita Bagnoregio

I know it seems far too “fairy-tale” to be true, but that’s precisely what it looks like – and there in that little village you can sit beside a fire and eat fire-toasted bruschetta, stroll the cobblestone paths, and overlook the verdant valley below. This setting is simply magical.

We drove about an hour south to Rome and returned the rental car, then opted for the bus from the airport into the city rather than paying more than double to save a few minutes by taking the train. Rome was, of course, no disappointment.  We happened to arrive at St. Peter’s Basilica as the Pope was presiding over a gathering with an enormous crowd.

St Peter

We got the Roma Pass, which allowed us transportation for three days and entrance to two major museums.  We toured the Colosseum with added insight from Rick Steves’ audio tour app, and imagined what life looked life for people in ancient Rome – a city unlike any other in its time.


We also visited the Vatican, Castel Sant Angelo, and Trevi Fountain.  Everything was so far beyond cool that the awe was almost tiresome.

Temple of Jupiter

Our return trip routed us through Dusseldorf, so we did have one final stop before returning home and it was far from uneventful.  We walked from our hotel down to a quaint little restaurant, where we actually ate the best meal of the entire trip – I know it sounds a little odd to take a trip to Italy, yet find the best food in Germany, but for someone like me who will choose meat over pasta at every opportunity, this amazing platter was mezmerizing.

Meat in Germany

As you can tell, our trip was so far beyond epic that even these amazing pictures don’t truly do it justice.  We outlined our entire trip before we went in this post about Venice to Rome in 13 days, and the card we used to obtain the AA miles each is still available – it’s the Citi® Platinum Select® / AAdvantage® World MasterCard®.  You do have to meet a minimum spending requirement of $3000 in the first three months, but the annual fee of $95 is waived for the first year. This isn’t one of the cards we get compensated for promoting, but we’re still passing it along to you because it’s one of the best offers out there – particularly if you are feeling the urge to go to Europe or Northern South America.

Before I depart, I just have to do a little re-cap.  I just showed you how we did an epic 13-day journey from Spain, to Slovenia, to Italy, and to Germany. We did it for far less than what most people spend on a weekend trip to Las Vegas, and we did it by prudently using credit cards to obtain frequent flyer miles and points and travel the almost-free-way. If you’re in a position to do this and you have the discipline to use credit cards as purchasing instruments, not as credit, then this is something you need to embrace… and it’s also something we’re hoping you’ll share.  As we’ve said before, ultimately what we want to see is you go from wanderlusting to wandering… and we hope this post and all our posts help you do that.

Please don’t hesitate to comment or email with questions about this itinerary, what we did, or whatever else you have in mind.  I’m begging for the opportunity to re-live this experience by sharing it with you.


Posted in American Airlines, Europe, Fun Travel Stories, Italy, Travel Itineraries, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

A Ridiculously Easy Way to Save $400 on ANY flight

Travel is the ultimate vice for me.  Neither alcohol or tobacco tempt me, but travel pulls me in like a tornado.  The biggest difficulty is the cost of travel can be prohibitive, which discourages many people from even considering it a possibility.  They block it out of their minds like the idea of marrying Taylor Lautner.  Don’t find yourself in this position.  If you love travel like I do, then make it happen.  I want to show you how to save $400 on ANY flight today to make it easier for you.

Oftentimes I’ll get a call, an email, or a comment from someone who has taken interest in our blog.  They’ve heard that we are the source of knowledge and information for all things travel.  The conversation usually goes something like this:

  • Me: What kind of trip are you looking to do?  When are you looking to go?
  • Them: I want to go to Kona, Hawaii on February 16th and return on February 23rd.  I have to leave after work on the 16th though. Can I use points for this flight?
  • Me: Unfortunately using points can be difficult if you have a specific location with specific dates.  If you aren’t flexible on the dates or the location, odds are slim that you’ll be able to use points for your upcoming trip. But there is an exception to this rule: Let’s review how you can save $400 on any flight – no matter when, where, or which airline you need to use.

How to Save $400 on ANY flight

Barclaycard is a company that issues an incredible travel-reward reimbursement credit card in the USA called the Barclaycard Arrival Plus World MasterCard®.  This card comes with incredible benefits and for big spenders, I would recommend this card to anyone as a card they can keep forever.

Because they believe this card is so awesome, and one that you’ll keep forever, they’re willing to give you 40,000 bonus points so you can use them and see how versatile their program is.  Their program basically says that one point is worth $0.01.  Their 40,000 bonus miles easily translates to a $400 savings on ANY flight. Plus they give you 2 points per dollar spent, so additional points pile up pretty easily.

I would stand behind this credit card and tell you that it is probably the most versatile credit card on the market today.  My wife and I both have this card personally and have loved he ease with which the points are redeemed.  You can use your 40,000 bonus miles for almost ANY travel experience.

To sweeten the pot, Barclaycard is willing to waive the $89 annual fee for the first year.  This gives you one year to kick the tires and see if the card is going to be worth it long term.  If you spend tons on the card each year it would definitely be worth keeping.  Basically you have to spend $4500 each year to offset the annual fee of the credit card

Wait a Minute, What is the Catch?

batu caves

Shae and I at the Batu Caves in KL

Ok, Ok, you’re right.  There is a catch.  Time is your biggest enemy.  You’ll need enough time to get the card, meet the spending requirement, then book the trip.

The catch is that you need to do a couple of things in order to earn the $400, but don’t get discouraged because they’re really easy.

First: You need to get approved for the card.  This card requires you to have excellent credit, so you first need to make sure that you have great credit (generally above 720) in order to get approved.

Second: You need to spend $3000 on the card within the first 90 days in order to qualify for this bonus.  Make sure you put all of your expenses on the credit card.  If you need help with ideas, you should read our post about How to Meet a Spending Requirement.

Wait a Minute, You can Save $400 on ANY airline?

Yes.  Any airline.  Specific dates, no problem.  They aren’t going to discriminate against leaving after work on Friday afternoon.  You want to come home on Sunday so you can be to work by Monday morning? Fine.

If you’ve got a trip planned for March of 2015 with specific dates, this card is awesome because you can pick the most affordable flight on ANY airline and save $400.  You can also use this card for other travel expenses too.

There is NO WAY this deal works with Allegiant Airlines, right?

Wrong!  Book your favorite weekend trip to celebrate your anniversary in Vegas on the first weekend in August.  Spend time in San Francisco at the Wharf eating seafood to celebrate a big 40th birthday.

Are you kidding me?  Can I double down and save $800 on my next flights?

Kind of.  This deal works only once per person per lifetime.  If you’re looking to book a trip for yourself and the love of your life, you can each score this deal to double down and save up to $800 on any flight for each of you.

So when your husband asks about going somewhere for your anniversary, taking him to visit his parents, your first trip abroad, or sending him on that upcoming boys trip, tell him that you think it is possible.  Go ahead and save yourself $400 or $800 on ANY flight with the Barclaycard Arrival World MasterCard® and make a memory that will last a lifetime!

Posted in Barclaycard, Credit Cards, Family Travel, Mastercard | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Boise State Fans Fly to Atlanta for Chick-Fil-A Kickoff Game for $124

In 2011, I thought I’d save some money by flying standby on a buddy pass with a pilot friend of mine to see the Boise State/Georgia game in Atlanta.  I should have known better, but at that point I was young in the game of accruing points and miles to make travel almost free.

Boise State Ole Miss

Just before Kellen Moore eviscerated the Bulldogs

We couldn’t get on the first flight because there wasn’t enough room, so we waited for two more hours and then got on a flight that took us to Detroit.  From Detroit, we couldn’t get straight to Atlanta, so we had to take a flight to Nashville.  Begging and pleading, we barely got onto the last flight from Nashville, and if that wouldn’t have worked, we’d have had to do a one-way car rental.  By the time we arrived, we’d wasted an entire day.  The flight home wasn’t much better and I had to pay something like $300 in fees and taxes. Ugh.

By the time the Michigan State game came along in 2012, I had become an aggressive frequent-flyer-mile hunter-gatherer, and I pulled off an amazing SLC-TAMPA-DETROIT-SLC triangle for $30 and 26k points on Southwest Airlines that allowed me to see the Republican Convention and the Boise State/Michigan game – both of which ultimately resulted in an abundance of tears, but were still fun while I was there.

Now, as Bronco fever overwhelms me with our new coach Bryan Harsin and a exciting future we’re attacking, I’m plotting my almost-free trip to Atlanta to see the Broncos play the Rebels in the Chick-Fil-A kickoff game in August and wanted to share my secrets with fellow blue-blooded Boise State fans.

Boise State vs. Ole MissHow to fly to Atlanta for $89

Lately we’ve raved about the US Airways Premier World Mastercard because it’s a perfect example of what WorldWanderlusting is all about – do a little, pay a little, and get a lot of almost-free travel.

Do a little:

  • Have good credit.
  • Realize that having good credit will allow you to apply for credit cards with huge frequent flyer mile bonuses.
  • Be prudent and know that it’s possible to use credit cards only as purchasing instruments, and not to rack up huge debts that you can’t pay.
  • Apply for the US Airways Premier World Mastercard.
  • Spend at least $1 on the card.
  • Pay it off in full.

Pay a little:

  • The annual fee for this card, which is not waived for the first year, is $89.  Grin and bear it and fork over $89 hard-earned greenbacks.

Get a lot:

  • You’ll get 40k US Airways points which (using the 5k booking discount for being a cardmember) will get you either two RT domestic flights, or at least one if your dates are less flexible. – As with most point systems, to have specific flights and dates, it may take more points.
  • You’ll also get a companion pass which will enable you to add up to two companions for $99 each to a ticket you pay full price for. (In another post, we showed how this benefit, combined with the points actually allows five people to fly for the price of one and a half).
  • It won’t hurt to know that you and up to 4 companions will enjoy one free checked bag.
  • And you’ll get a day pass to a US Airways club lounge.

I know the miles booking process can be a little intimidating, but it’s actually really easy. I looked just now and found that I could fly out on the 26th and back on the 31st for $35 and 25K (minus 5k) US Airways miles. Add that to the $89 and you’re up to $134. I know it’s one of those things that sounds too good to be true, but it really is that easy.

Sample Itinerary

Sample Itinerary

Wait, but could I do the same thing for a hotel?

You greedy little bastard. I love you.  You think like I do.  Two Fiesta Bowls isn’t enough, right? You want the National Championship? Yes, you are a blue-bleeding Bronco fan. Now, let’s get you that free hotel, too.

Probably my favorite hotel-point credit card is the Club Carlson Premier Visa.  It’s my favorite because there’s this freaking sweet perk that few people really understand – it’s called “Last night free” and it means that when you book a stay with your points, you get your last night free.

Club Carlson Hotel Free Book four nights? Pay (points) for three, get one free. Book three nights? Pay for two, get one free. You see where I’m going, don’t you?  I knew you were greedy.  Yes, stay two nights, pay for one, get one free. That’s when the magic happens!

Club Carlson Points

Club Carlson is the loyalty points program for Radisson and Country Inn and Suites Hotels. It works like most other hotel programs in that they divide their hotel inventory into categories – lower point redemption for lower level, higher for higher. As you can see here, the sweet spot is to find the category 1-3 hotels and use your points there.

Wait, what points?  We haven’t gotten them for you yet. Well, it’s almost as simple as the airfare and a little shorter since we’ve already established that you can be responsible and never charge anything on a credit card that you won’t pay off immediately (and resolved your doubts about how bad doing stuff like this will destroy your credit by reading Doesn’t it hurt my credit).

Do a little:

Pay a little:

  • US Bank wants an $85 annual fee from you to have this blessed piece of plastic – something I pay readily because each year they heap on 40k more points!

Get a lot:

  • After your first purchase you’ll get 50k points, and if you spend $2500 on the card (responsibly) within the first 90 days they’ll give you 35k more.

Ok, now you’ve got at least 50k points and you’re in luck because Atlanta has a bunch of Country Inn and Suites hotels (which I love because of their delicious breakfast spread and warm cookies on check in). While there are many more, I’m going to isolate our search to those that are close to the airport and it works nicely because there’s a category 1, 2, and 3 offering.

where to stay in atlanta

Take your pick

First, in other places, category 1 hotels can be great.  Here, this is a category 1 for a reason – it’s in College Park and while that may sound like a nice place, it’s Georgian for “ghetto.” Unless you’re an Ole Miss fan – in that case, feel free to stay here and get mugged, leaving you destitute and requiring you to sell your tickets to a Boise State fan – But otherwise, remind yourself that you got these points for free anyway and let’s splurge.

Now, you could book four nights in the category 2 hotel and pay for the first 3 (45k) and get the last free… or… I knew it wouldn’t take you long, you trick-play thinking bugger… You could stay two nights in the category 3 right next to Turner field (and take in a Braves game as well), and stay two nights in the category 2!  You’ll use 43k of your points and stay four nights that would otherwise have cost like $460. Did I mention your Club Carlson card also gives you gold status and a nice little room upgrade at times?

Now you’re picking up what we’re putting down.

Look, maybe it would be hard to swing the Ole Miss game this close, but there will be other travel opportunities you’ll want to seize.  We’ve been almost-free-travel blogging for almost four years and we’ve done some incredible things – Dream Italy vacations, Central American journeys, romantic getaways, family vacations and the whole lot.  Follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our posts – Wanderlust with us!

Posted in Club Carlson, Domestic travel, US Airways, US Bank | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

How to Feel like a Millionaire, Then Become One

In case you didn’t know, I’m a millionaire.  It is a wonderful feeling.  I open up my wallet and I’ve got all kinds of bills in there.  Four years ago I was broke, and look at me now.  Going from zero to a million is awesome, and the best part is that you can become one too.

Feel like a Millionaire

Tonight I casually opened my Award Wallet and found this nice tally at the bottom showing my total amount of points and miles:

million mile secrets

I’m officially a millionaire!

You better believe it.  My wallet is full.  Being a millionaire is awesome!  The only unfortunate thing is that my wallet is not full of $100’s, $50’s, or $20’s.  It is full of AAdvantage Miles, Starpoints, and Gold Points (Which really isn’t such a bad thing after all).  I may not be able to buy a new house with them, but they can be used to help me travel places that I wouldn’t otherwise be able to go.

Why you should become a Points Millionaire

When people hear the words “World Travel”, they usually associate it with big money.  They think, “Only the filthy rich have an opportunity to do something like that.”  They automatically block it out of their mind like their childhood dream of being an NBA star was crushed when they were cut from the 5th grade basketball team.  Well people; this is somewhere that you can keep on dreaming, moving forward, and make it happen!

Traveling makes you feel rich too. Roaming the streets of Milan and window shopping in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele makes you feel invincible.  It is still worth it even if you’ll never waste $50,000 on the Prada purse or $100,000 on the Tiffany jewelry.   Standing there in one of the most prestigious malls in the world gives you wings, and makes you feel like a bad-A.

Galleria Mall

Shae doing some window shopping

Becoming a points millionaire makes impossible things a reality for you and your family.  Who knows how long this bandwagon will ride, but you better get on before it stops.  Live it up and take some unforgettable trips as a family.  Live like the millionaire!

Some Things Aren’t Too Good to Be True

We had someone tell us the other day that our blog was “too good to be true.”  It was a fair enough statement for someone who ignorantly didn’t even read our posts.  If someone told me that I could travel for “Free” to multiple locations across the globe I might be skeptical too.  The truth is, that it was only “too good to be true” because she never even read our material.

Sometimes in life things may sound that way, but they’re really not.  Here is a small summary of the awesome trips that we’ve taken since I started using points for my travel instead of dollars:

  • Flights for four to Europe
  • Flights for two to Costa Rica
  • Flights for three to Florida
  • Flights for three to Tennessee
  • Flight for one to Buffalo
  • Flights for three to Panama
  • Flights for two to Tennessee
  • Flights for two to Tennessee
  • Flights for three to Tennessee
  • Flights for two to San Francisco
  • Flights for two to Phoenix

This is what we’ve been able to save within the last 4 years by using our points.  PLUS I’ve still got over a MILLION points in the bank waiting to be used for future trips.

San Blas

Max Enjoying the Warmth of Panama in January

You could EASILY value all of these points that I’ve used at over $15,000.  This doesn’t even account for the free hotels, car rentals, and tours that we’ve been able to cover with our points.  On a conservative side you could say that we’ve saved about $20,000 in travel.

Who has an extra $20,000 that they have laying around that they want to burn on vacations?  Maybe some person who really makes a million $$ per year, but unfortunately I don’t fit that mold.  These are vacations that we WOULD NOT HAVE OTHERWISE TAKEN.  Are you neglecting taking vacations because of their cost?

I’m a believer that some things are “too good to be true,” but I’m here to tell you that this isn’t true.  It is good, and it is true, so enjoy it!

What are you waiting for?

There is NO way this game will last forever.  Not a chance when you consider how lucrative as it can be for you and a bleeding loss for the credit card companies.  The rules and the offers have already dried up dramatically from what they were 4 years ago when I started.

Are you a spectator on the sidelines, or are you a player on the field?  If you’re on the sidelines, get on the field and start your quest to a million.  Start today with an easy card like the Barclaycard Arrival Plus World MasterCard® or the The US Airways Premier World MasterCard® that will help you take the first steps toward your free trip before the well runs dry.

Posted in How to Wanderlust, Travel Tips, Travel Tricks | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Vacation Homes in Orlando

I love hotels.  I really do.  But when I have a big group and I can make it work, there’s nothing like staying in a vacation home. Any time we have more than two couples, I try to make it work to rent a house because there’s a feeling of luxuriousness to having an entire home to yourself, and at least relative to full-price hotels, you can often save money.

On our recent trip to Orlando, we stayed in an incredible home from All Star Vacation Homes, and from the moment we first entered the code and swung the front door open, we had a heaven all to ourselves.

Orlando Vacation Home

Our vacation home in Orlando

In fact, we bagged our plans for an entire day of activities once we saw what a palace we were staying in.  We felt like there was so much to do and discover there, that it didn’t make sense to run off and leave the place so soon.

It was so spacious, it could easily have accomodated three families. Between the pool, computer, billiards table, theater room, and the Pac-man arcade game, there was enough to keep the kids busy cycling from one activity to the next for hours.  Nicole and I turned on the speakers by the pool and lounged in the sun.  There was no place else in the world we would have rather been relaxing.

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Having a vacation home where you can cook your own food equates to huge savings when it comes to meal expenses.  We went shopping and basically covered all of our meals for four days (including bringing food into the theme parks) for under $100.  Not bad for a family of six.

Gone was the constant worry of our rambunctious kids waking others in neighboring hotel rooms, and importantly, Nicole and I were able to actually have some space to ourselves.  Normally we say that taking the kids on a trip is an “experience,” while traveling as a couple is a “vacation,” but there were moments while our kids were peacefully sleeping in the other rooms that we felt like we were all alone – and it’s hard to put a price on that when your days are filled with kid-catering.

We’ve rented vacation homes in Costa Rica, Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Italy, Montana, Idaho, Florida, Nevada, California, and I’m sure in other places I’m not recalling.  Our experience has always been fantastic, but I will say that when it comes to service and attention to detail, All Star Vacation Homes is in a class all by themselves.  Within hours of checking in, we receieved a phone call welcoming us and inquiring if there was any way they could help accomodate us.  The booking process was as smooth as I’ve ever seen, with perfect directions and recommendations on ways to make the trip better and more efficient.

Free rental car

They’ve widened their scope of vacation homes they manage to include San Diego, Captiva and Sanibel Islands in Florida, and just two hours from my house – Sun Valley, Idaho.

If you’re ever looking to take multiple families on vacation together, a vacation home is the way to do it.  And if you’re going to Orlando or one of these other places, you need to see what kind of deals you could work with All Star Vacation Homes.  They run promotions periodically, and right now you can get a free rental car from Enterprise when you book a home for 7 nights.

Now we’d hate to tempt you with an awesome idea like this and then leave you flightless, so we’ll end with some inspiration about how you might be able to get your family to a home like this for a fraction of what you might otherwise pay.

Generally you’d expect to pay at least $500/ticket to get to a destination like Orlando, so for a family of five, you might be looking at $2500 – not exactly a bargain and not something you could do every year.  But slice that total down to less than $1000 by being smart about using frequent flyer miles and you’ll really be onto something.

Our favorite airline travel rewards credit card offering right now is the US Airways® Premier World MasterCard®.  It’s our favorite because it combines a bonus of 40k in US Airways miles after your first purchase (enough to fly two for free within the US), with a companion pass that will allow you to add up to two companions for $99 each (plus taxes) to a domestic flight.  So book a flight for that $500 and add two more for around $150 each and you’re looking at less than $800 to book five people to Orlando.

This post gives greater detail on the offer and why we like it so much.  The important part is that you make it a point to start traveling and do it the cheap but luxurious way.  Stick with us and you’ll be doing exactly that.

Thanks for wanderlusting with us for more than three years now.




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The Best Way to Travel

So you’ve decided to book a trip, good for you! Everyone needs a break from the daily grind.  You’re ready for an adventure and we’re ready to give you some great tips.  These are some ideas on the best way to travel.  Here are a few real life stories from people who love traveling:

“I took the wife and kids to Florida.  The entire vacation cost me $7000.  The exciting part is, because I paid SO much for the trip, I now get to take another vacation in 2020!” -Bob, 32 Utah

“I got a smoking deal on a timeshare a few years back.  My family is really excited to go and visit our timeshare in San Diego.  Maybe once I pay off this timeshare in 3 more years I’ll actually be able to use it!” -Steve, 45 Connecticut

“My husband worked his entire life, and promised that in retirement we would travel.  When I woke up one morning a week before he was set to retire, he somehow had died in his sleep.  Now I’m remarried and spending his money traveling with someone else!” -JoAnn 75, Montana

Tip 1: Never use a credit card to accumulate point and miles.  Some people might try to tell you that you can earn points for travel using certain credit cards and yada yada yada…. DO YOU WANT MY BRAIN TO EXPLODE?! Plus credit cards are evil, if you use one you’ll automatically end up with debt up to your eyeballs and you’ll be enslaved for life.

Check from My Scammer

Check from My Scammer (Photo credit: Telstar Logistics)

I can see it now, you’re children’s children will be burdened down by the debt you accumulated and this all could have been simply avoided by never obtaining a credit card.  Ah, the perils of plastic.  If you do happen to have a credit card to obtain some credit or something, DON’T EVER USE IT!!

Checks or debit cards are a much safer bet.  Who doesn’t love carrying around a checkbook? In the grocery store line you can actually make everyone behind you wait 5 extra minutes if you fill the check out slowly. Plus it is really cool when you run out of checks and don’t have a way of paying for your melting ice cream.

Plus, points and miles are confusing.  I’d much rather rack up the benefits from my Payless Shoe Store Club Card.  It’s awesome.  I simply buy 30 pairs of shoes, and they mail me a 10% off coupon.  Eat your heart out frequent flyer miles!

Tip 2: Purchase a time share.  Come on, they’ll serve you free cookies or something delicious.  Sure it might take a few hours out of your day, but who doesn’t have a few hours that you’re not sure what to do with anyway?  Sure you might get insane amounts of pressure to buy into one – some people try to avoid such situations, but I say embrace it!


Thanks to for this picture.

I love when people come to my door soliciting vacuums, books, and magazines, pressure is awesome!  If you go to a time share meeting and feel as though you absolutely have to buy into one or the people won’t let you leave……. just do it. Heck, what is life all about anyway!

Some people might try to tell you timeshares are horrendously overpriced, but haven’t you ever heard the phrase that you get what you pay for?  I prefer to overpay on everything to ensure I’m getting the best quality experience out there! So what if you end up paying for it up-front, a yearly maintenance fee, and other additional fees – that to me says you’re definitely going to get a great experience! And hey, if things don’t work out quite the way you planned, just sell your time share, easy-peasy lemon-squeezy. No biggie. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of people eager to buy it from you and you’ll definitely get all your money back that you’ve put into it.  WINNING!

Tip 3: Vacation to the same location year after year. When choosing a location to vacation choose places you’re already familiar with.  I prefer taking trips to the same places over and over.  Trying to go somewhere you haven’t already been is WAY too difficult.  And anything too difficult isn’t worth doing.  If you’re wise you’ll just go to Disneyland each year, it has all the culture and variety you’ll ever need.  Plus the ticket prices are expensive, which means it’s guaranteed to be the best experience you’ll ever have in your life!

Tip 4: Take a Taxi everywhere.  Now that you’ve made it on a vacation, enjoy it! Life is too short to waste precious vacation time on renting a car.  Driving around in a foreign place is incredibly stressful and stress is bad for you, so save your self a few gray hairs and let someone else do the driving.  Plus it feels like being in the movies when you hail a cab, so that’s cool! You now have a chauffeur and you’re ready to get where you need to go. Life is good.

Tip 5: Wait until you’re older to travel.  Traveling is expensive and only rich people can afford it, when you’re older you’ll definitely have more money.   The best things in life come to those who wait.  So wait, climbing Machu Picchu with a walker shouldn’t be an issue, right?

old people

Doesn’t this look exciting?

Who wants to live their lives with boring travel experiences anyway?  I’d much rather save all of my fun experiences for the last two years of my life.  That way I can live them out for an awesome two wrinkled years instead of living a whole lifetime with them.  Plus, wouldn’t it be awesome if I waited until retirement to travel and got sick and died before I was actually able to do any traveling?

Tip 6: You’ll have tons of money later, so wait. If you can’t afford full priced plane tickets and expensive hotels, Disneyland tickets and taxi cabs, don’t sweat it. Years down the road you’ll be able to afford all of that, easily.  Everyone in retirement is super rich.  Nobody lives on their Social Security alone.

With these travel tips you’re sure to become a successful traveler.  As long as you’re rich, patient, and perfectly healthy you’ve got nothing to worry about.

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