How to Wanderlust

I know that sometimes reading a blog and watching other people score big and actually putting it all into practice are two different items.  Don’t let life pass you by as others score and you wait on the sidelines.  Make sure you jump into the game as well.  This post will hopefully outline in a basic format what it will require and how to wanderlust.

  • Ensure that your credit is at a great spot.

You can go to to that nothing on your report looks wrong.  You can either order all three of the reports, or you can just get one of them.

You also can use Credit Sesame to check your Experian score for free.  It updates on a monthly basis.

  • Establish Your Credit

One large important thing about your credit is that you have long standing accounts on which you never have been late or missed any payments.  For this reason I always suggest that you have 1-2 “Staple cards” that you will keep always.  These are your cards that you will have forever to show that your credit history is good with them.  I think that they should be cards that don’t have an annual fee.  For this card I recommend the Blue Sky from American Express℠.  I have had this card for  years and redeemed hundreds in benefits.  I know that it isn’t the best card I’ve ever had, but there is no annual fee and I only use it between hot cards at this point.

  • Track Your Progress

Open an excel spreadsheet and start keeping track of all of your accounts that you have open.  You might not be able to memorize all of the loyalty programs’ numbers, so keep them in a spreadsheet.  You also want to keep track of all of the credit hits that you are getting from each card for which you are applying.  I hear people talking about people who have applied for 10 cards in one year.  With all of those inquiries on your credit you will want to make sure that you don’t get too many with any one of the three credit reporting agencies; Transunion, Equifax, and Experian.

  • Like us on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter

Use to see all of the offers that are coming around.  We will talk about the hot ones and try to post them on our site when we find them.  Our goal is to help you to travel as a cost conscientious traveler, in return we ask that you use our site for any applications that you submit.  It’s a  fair trade.  We also ask that you share it with your friends.

  • Get Started

If you already have a credit card, and have great history it is time to get started.  We have talked about a few cards that can help you to get started.  Some have links on the side of the page and we have posted about others.   We have other cards on the site to earn points and miles.  We have the Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card from American Express, Gold Delta SkyMiles® Credit Card from American Express,The Platinum Card® from American Express as other cards that can help you get started today.

  • Take a Trip, Repeat Cycle

Lower your blood pressure by thinking about the trip that you will be enjoying.  I get a little anxious before applying for any of the cards, but my recent trip to Costa Rica has helped out a ton.  I’m confident going into them now because I’ve seen the benefits.

So make sure you think all your decisions through.  Be cautions, but have fun.  Make sure you enjoy accumulating the miles, but also have fun planning and spending them.  Take your family on vacation, just get started….

9 Responses to How to Wanderlust

  1. Joana says:

    This is certainly some thing I must find more information about, thanks for the post.

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  4. Maya says:

    Thanx for the article! So much important info!

  5. Thank You for the great information! I like the A to Z step and approach that you have outlined for the newbie/beginner, such as myself!

  6. Pingback: How to Save $4,000 on your European Vacation |

  7. Pingback: Who are the WorldWanderlusting Bloggers? Part I: Brad & Family | Travel Tips For World WanderlustersTravel Tips For World Wanderlusters

  8. Justin says:

    Could you post an Excel template for tracking cards/expenses/bonuses/etc.? It would be helpful to see what exactly you are tracking.

    • Sheldon says:

      Justin, we are working on building this out for our readers. We are making some final touches and we expect this to be ready by November. Thanks for WorldWanderlusting with us!

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