Embera Indian Tribe

Every young boy remembers the time at elementary school when his friend showed up during library time and showed him a picture of some topless native Americans from the most recent National Geographic.  It brought a whole new meaning to a weekly trip to the library.

National Geographic

My Family with the Embera Indian Tribe

Even though those days are long past, I’ve always wanted to visit a native tribe like those pictured in the National Geographic magazines.  (Not because I could see some topless native American, I’ve matured since those days) The idea that tribes still live as hunters and gatherers in remote parts of the world like Papua New Guinea or the Amazonian rainforest has long intrigued me.

Simply stumbling on a tribe like this was unlikely, and flying to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea isn’t a cheap endeavor.  For a long time I had accepted that we probably wouldn’t be seeing any native tribes like I had always wanted.  It felt depressing.

Embera Indian Tribe

Then, as we were researching our trip to Panama, we stumbled across the Embera Village Tours company that offered guided tours of the Embera Puru village deep within the Chagres National Park.  Our excitement grew as we discovered that the prices to visit the tribe were rather reasonable.

Although there are other companies that can take you to visit the Embera Puru, this is going to be your best option.  Anne, who is the guide is married to a tribe member, which makes the experience so much more legit.  She understands the culture and can help explain anything in perfect English.

Getting to the Embera Puru Tribe

You’ll meet with Anne at your hotel in either Colon or Panama city and they’ll pick you up. The drive will take a bit, but you can enjoy the scenery. Finally you’ll arrive at a boat dock where two of the Embera Tribe members will be there to load you in the boat.   Oh yeah, you heard that right.  It’s a tree that they’ve carved out and made a boat.  “This is my kind of National Geographic moment” was my first thought.

The ride is smooth like an old Cadillac even though you’d assume it would be rough as you ride up the Chagres river toward the tribe.  It’s about a 45 min ride, so settle into your seat and enjoy the scenery.  Soon you’ll be greeted by the tribe members.  You’ll probably experience a warm welcome like this:

Embera Indian Tribe Crafts

The Embera Tribe creates some amazing homemade crafts.  They take items that you would see as useless, and create some of the most ornate baskets and carvings that you can imagine.

Their products are priced at $1 per day of work.  So a basket that takes them 21 days is priced at $21.  Can you imagine making $1 per day for hard work?

The men do the carving of seeds, and wood, while the women spend their time weaving baskets, bowls, masks, and so much more.  You’ll have a hard time not wanting to purchase one of everything, especially because you’ll know who made it for you.  Each of the families proudly displays their products, and happily explains the meaning behind each image.

I know.  I know.  You’re worried about them begging to buy their products.  Don’t worry.  The people are very friendly and don’t hassle you to buy their products.  It will make you want to buy more and more.

Embera Indian Lunch

Embera Plate

Banana Leaf Bowl

Lunch is included with the tour, and is rather tasty.  They will fry you up some patacones, which are fried plantains and are rather typical food for a Panamanian.  They also cooked up some tilapia that was absolutely delicious.  They left all the bones in it, so make sure you don’ try eating them.

It’s amazing thinking about them fishing for their food everyday and working on little gardens to provide the food they need.


Embera Indian Home

You’ll learn on the trip that the Embera homes are built up on stilts.  This is done to stay away from animals, snakes, bugs, and gives them extra room for error in case the river were to flood.

Indian Home

They have a log leaning up against the front porch that has been notched out for your feet and feels like a ladder.  I found it interesting to learn that they can simply roll the log to the other side which takes away the steps and says to anyone that they aren’t welcome at the moment.  Sounds kinda like a No Soliciting sign….

Anselmo the Medicine Man

Medicine Man

Anselmo, the Village Medicine Man

Part of the village tour includes a trip with the village medicine man, Anselmo into the jungle.  His knowledge of plants would shock any Pfizer agronomic engineer.  He was pulling all kinds of plants and explaining how they can be used for the benefit of humans.  He hands everyone a leaf and requests that everyone chew the leaf.  After about three or four chews my mouth begins to numb and I couldn’t feel my tongue anymore.

Maybe if he were to leave the tribe he would get a job at Pfizer, or Merck, but more than likely he’s happy where he’s at.

Why to Visit the Embera Indian Tribe

Native American

Cute Embera Indian Girl

We’ve become more addicted to our innovations these days.  It is tough to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the world.  These people can show you how their simple lives can be enticing.

The time that you spend with the tribe will speed by.  Anne will be telling you that you’ve got 30 minutes and you’ll know that it won’t be enough.  We longed for more time with the tribe.  

The smiles on the faces of the children will make you smile.  To see them so happy without the latest iPad, or the largest home is something to admire.

I’m still happy in the life that I live, and my wife wouldn’t ever go topless. This experience will give you greater appreciation for the blessings that you enjoy.

So if you’ve ever had a hankering to visit a Native American tribe that still lives off the land, then this is a great place to have this experience.

[Disclosure: Anne offered a discounted rate for our group, but the feelings and opinions are my own]


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How to Stay 8 Free Nights in a Hotel Without Going to Jail

I recently redeemed 3,000 of my Starpoints for a night in the Downtown Salt Lake City Sheraton.  It was just prior to our departure to Panama, and as we prepared to board the shuttle to the airport, I made a run to the lobby restroom with my son.  As we entered the restroom, there was a loud snoring sound reflecting off the marble walls.  My son and I looked at each other, puzzled, and advanced to investigate. Extending beneath the door of a bathroom stall, we saw two dirty boots, upright, unstirring. A homeless man had escaped the winter cold, opting for the warmer, and perhaps, somehow, more comfortable, bathroom floor of the Sheraton.

We suppressed our snickers and hurriedly took care of our business.  But as we left, the thought occurred to me that we had paid no more for our room with two plush beds and pillows, than had this man paid for the stone floor and a ceramic pillow. We alerted the front desk and the poor guy was presumably hauled off to the slammer.

If he had only known that if he could qualify for the Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card from American Express Card, he too, could have enjoyed the luxurious 800 thread-count sheets, the 42″ plasma TV with HBO, and perhaps, even, a soak in the hot tub – not just for a night, but for 8 of them!  Now, doubtless, the homeless man probably doesn’t have the credit score to get approved, but do you?  If your credit score is at least 700, and you’re capable of making all of your payments on time and in full, it’s time for you to start taking advantage of credit card travel rewards.

In order to get the bonus points, you need to spend $5000 within the first 6 months.  There’s no annual fee for the first year, and 10,000 of them come right away, so you can get started instantly!

Here are three amazing hotels you could stay at for 8 nights… in a room, not a bathroom floor… for free… without going to jail:

Medellin, Colombia Four Points by Sheraton

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Manchester, New Hampshire Four Points by Sheraton

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Vancouver, British Colombia Four Points by Sheraton

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If you liked these ideas, you might also want to look at our great Starwood “loops” – roadtrips you can take between some of these free Starwood Hotels.

All courtesy of the 30k bonus starpoints you’ll accrue with the Starwood Preferred Guest American Express Card. Apply now.


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Travel Snobbery

Disclosure: This post was written by one of our best friends, Trevor.  He loves travel more than anyone we know and has been an inspiration to us.  He’s visited 50 countries before his 29th birthday.  

In the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”, George asks Uncle Billy what the three most exciting sounds in the world are, and after a sarcastic remark, George exclaims, “Anchor chains, plane motors and train whistles!”

My Love for Travel

When I was 15 and living in Barcelona I got a 3 week Eurail pass. What’s more exciting than a Eurail pass? When you travel like every day is Christmas morning. I recall one conversation with my travel buddies, where we literally asked each other this question in all seriousness, “So do you guys wanna wake up in Rome or Paris tomorrow?”

Friends in Paris

Trevor and Sheldon with two other friends in Paris in 2001

We opted for Paris, and then we opted for Rome, and the better part of Europe – and all of it became a part of me.

Now, later in life, I’m no longer living in Europe and don’t have the freedom a Eurail pass.  But I do have the same zeal for travel.  And luckily, I have a resource to help me see it out. I’ve been following WorldWanderlusting from day one, and almost immediately my wife and I were able to accumulate 240,000 frequent flyer miles with American Airlines.

We’ve done a lot of things the “free-way,” and recently we chose a time of year when cruises were cheap and a destination we both had wanted to visit for some time. We boarded a ‘free’ flight to Paris, where we would spend a day and then fly a no-frills puddle jumper, notorious to any seasoned European adventurer, to Milan. From Milan we caught a train to Genoa through the beautiful countryside of northwestern Italy.

The cruise left from Genoa, Italy and headed down the Italian coast into the eastern Mediterranean Sea, passing through the Aegean, the Bosporus Straight, and finally into the Black Sea. The idea alone of these places left us in a giddy, anxious reverie. There is nothing more exhilarating than the unknown, not the simple unknown, but the true, the real unknown. For me, the Black Sea was as foreign as a black hole – an exploratory adventure that evoked sentiments of extreme excitement. It’s something I’m not content to settle for on occasion, but more of an addiction I must cede to often.

Many people with whom I speak about my exploits assume I am either the lucky CEO of a crackpot start-up, or a trust fund baby. My conversations gravitate to the many hidden secrets dotting the globe, and people assume my having experienced them makes me an independently wealthy young jetsetter. This is not the case. Do I want to be rich? Sure of course, not for the traditional reasons, but because money purchases something priceless for me; travel, passage, freedom, flight, escape, wonder, adventure, gratification for my wanderlust. It fills a hole that is insatiable by any other medium. While I’m wasting away in the thirst of the desert of mundane monotony,  travel entreats me like a river of clear crystal water.

Turkey Trip

Trevor Learning How to Make a Turkish Rug

As is very common for me whenever I travel, passing through the Bosphorus Straight on our cruise, I envied the exotic residences. I longed to gaze out each morning and night at Istanbul’s peerless twilight. Water is everywhere in Istanbul – North, South, East, and West. This, along with her hills and ancient edifices, mean the sun’s rays have all the more to illuminate.

My tour guide, and now close friend, Gökhan, (gokhanalatas@yahoo.co.uk) in his very adequate English sprinkled with a delightful Turkish accent, countered my expressed desire to live where he lives, saying: “So what. I live along the Bosporus Straight. You live in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains. In my back yard there is Angora goat. In yours a cougar.” The Angora goat is a species endemic to the rocky landscape of Turkey. It produces a precious wool, known as Mohair. A basic scarf made of this only chin-grown wool, can go for up to $1500. The point Gökhan made was well taken, yet it did not appease my yearnings.

Turkey Trip

Trevor and his Wife in Istanbul

Istanbul is the gem of the empires. Turkey itself is a very special country. It is the only official Muslim country to implement secular law. Also they do not identify themselves as Arab, European, or Middle-Eastern. They are Turks. They are their own race and their own empire. This contrasts well with the more oppressive cultures and regimes in the region. Imagine walking down the streets of your favorite European city, saying and doing the same things you would do there, but then gazing down the avenue to a mammoth monolith that is one of the hundreds of incredible mosques in the city. This is Istanbul. These are my anchor chains and train whistles. It’s not that I want to hear them… it’s that I must hear them.

Travel Snob

I’m a snob. I am a travel and experience snob. I love to sit in James Bond movies and tell anyone who will listen, and a lot who will not: “Oh yeah he just crashed his motorcycle through the window of the Grand Bazaar, I’ve been there. I bought my wife some sandals like 20 feet from there. Oh yeah Macau, yeah it’s really like that, I took a boat right up to a restaurant just like Bond does here. That metro stop there, yeah I almost got mugged there, amazing pastries just up the stairs there.”

This snobbery is a more abiding and valuable form of snobbery. It’s empowering really because its so wholesome and real, not like the other varieties of monetary or entitlement snobbery. This type, in my estimation, is much more forgivable. I’d encourage you to embrace it.

You can WorldWanderlust Too

“So neglect becomes my ally.” The old man in “The Count of Monte Cristo” taught his prisoner protégé this lesson. It applies to what WorldWanderlusting does, skimming off the inefficiencies. This is an ethical practice in many fields; securities, yogurt and butter production, and any sort of commissioned sales industry. With rewards programs, it’s no different. Contractually, these people are obligated to reward you with what you have earned, regardless of how you obtained it. Some may call it bottom feeding. Hell, they may even call me a bottom feeder. And I’m okay with that because, as previously discussed, I can be a snob too. They’ll say, “you’re a bottom feeder, a cheapo, an exploiter.” I say “Maybe I am, but have you ever been to Burma? How about Laos, or Croatia? No? Well this bottom feeder has.”

Geography is power, and geography, experienced first hand, is magnified power.
Economics, warfare, diplomacy, logistics, politics, culture, language, literature, and history all have to do with time and place. Now I’m not Marty McFly so I can’t help you with time, but WorldWanderlusting can help you with place if you’ll spare the time to learn and apply the tips and tricks they share so generously.

Understanding, gathering, and using miles and points makes me a sophisticated sultan of sightseeing, which I can assure you beats being a pitiful peasant of plainness.

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Visit the Dominican Republic for $202

Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.  Also, most of the links on our site don’t bring us any financial gain, but Brad and I do receive a commission when you use our link to sign up for the Frontier Airlines card.  We appreciate your patronage. 😉

You can probably tell that we live in a not-so tropical climate because we’re always talking about getting out of the cold.  You might find now to be early, but planning a trip to somewhere warm next year should start RIGHT NOW.  Today we’ll focus on how to visit the Dominican Republic for about $200 per person.

Accruing points and miles takes some time and patience.  You’ve got to book your trips early to ensure that you’re maximizing your miles.  That is why you shouldn’t wait until November to start looking into your trip for January.  There simply isn’t enough time.

Dominican Republic Sunrise

Boca Chica Sunrise

How do I Get to Visit the Dominican Republic for $202?

You’re normally looking at $600 for a trip to Hispanola.  This lowers the price by 66% of what most people are paying for their flights.  Everyone loves paying 33%, why don’t you?

First you’re going to need to score the The Frontier Airlines World MasterCard®. If you’re a couple, then you both need to get the card. We always advocate applying separately, because it doesn’t make any sense to share a huge frequent flyer bonus when you can each have one for your own. For more information about the card you can read an earlier post we did about the Frontier Airlines World Mastercard.

This card is going to offer you 40,000 bonus miles after spending $500 in purchases in the first 90 days. Then up to 10,000 bonus miles on balance transfers (1 mile per $1 transferred) in the first 90 days . You pay off any charges immediately and don’t have to pay any interest- in fact, if you’re paying interest, you shouldn’t be doing this.

A visit to the Dominican Republic is only going to burn 30,000 of your EarlyReturns miles, which leaves you with 5K in the tank. You’ll have to be flexible to find the availability, but for that reason it is important that you’re starting this now for next year.

Here is a summary of your costs for the flight to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic:

  • $69 Annual Fee on Credit Card (Not Waived)
  • $103 Taxes (ouch)
  • $40 Baggage (1 checked bag each way)
  • $202 Total

What Can I do in the Dominican Republic?

Visit the Dominican Republic

Rolling Tobacco leaves

Learn how cigars are made-  I know you’ve all wanted to smoke a Cuban.  Even our Mormon readers have probably thought about it.  Although these aren’t Cuban cigars, their tobacco is grown in a similar climate and they follow the same basic rules.  Certain tobacco leaves are designed for flavor, others for smell, and some for the outside.  This is all explained, by a professional, but it is incredible to watch them roll the cigars.

Learn about Christopher Columbus-  The Dominican Republic is the nucleus of Columbus.  Everything in Santo Domingo is named after the Italian born explorer who flew under the Spanish flag.  His attempt to find a faster way to the Orient “discovered” a new world.  His first of four voyages landed him on the island that we now know as Hispanola, which is shared by the Dominican Republic and Haiti.  Check out a book at your local library and learn about him and the island before you head out.

Downtown HaitiBlow your mind with a trip to Haiti- Even a well seasoned traveler has come across some very poor circumstances.  Having visited 30 countries I’ve been to some very poor countries, but absolutely nowhere is comparable to the country of Haiti.  I lived in Paraguay for 2 years and I’d tell you that Paraguay is a palace compared to Haiti.  The earthquake definitely didn’t help the poverty, but definitely made it worse.  It will humble you more than a slice of humble pie.  My trip in 201o, post-earthquake, made me more grateful for my circumstances than anything else I’ve ever experienced.  

Beautiful Beaches- The Dominican Republic is definitely known for its beaches.  Spend a lot of your time relaxing on the beach.

Visit the dominican Republic

Cathedral of the Americas at Night

Visit the Oldest Cathedral in the Americas- My trip to the Dominican Republic was perfect in that they did a midday mass in the cathedral during the Semana Santa (Holy Week).  The cathedral was packed, and we were in the very back of the building, which  made it really hard to see what was happening.  Even though I’m not Catholic, it is incredible to see the first cathedral in the Americas.

Walk the Plank Zipline- There is an ecotourism resort in Samana, about 2 hours from Santo Domingo that is an incredible and inexpensive adventure.  Hike to waterfalls and isolated beaches, see how chocolate is made, feed the monkeys, and zipline through the jungle.  Check it out at http://walktheplankzipline.com/

Visiting the Dominican Republic is something that everyone should do in their life.  Why not do it for 33% of what it would normally cost you with The Frontier Airlines World MasterCard®?

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Free Hotel Hopping on a Tour of Great Britain

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I was amazed to hear that one of our most diligent wanderlusting fans was surprised to learn of the incredible “Buy one free night – get one free night” deal that Club Carlson generously bestows on holders of its already generous rewards points card.

So, let’s get it out there [megaphone voice] “Attention everyone: Club Carlson Premier Visa Cardholders get the last night of their stay free.  What that means is that if you book one night (with the 97k points you’ll have including the 85k bonus and the 5x points you get while meeting the $2500 spending requirement) you’ll get the second night free!!!”

I know that even if I yelled it til I were blue in the face, it wouldn’t quite connect until you were able to see how it would work for you when making vacation plans.  We’ve done this already with our post about a Florida Family Vacation, but let’s go big this time… I’m taking you to the motherland. England.

Flights to England

Our favorite “free-way” to Europe right now is the American AAdvantage shoulder season rate of 40k AA points for a RT flight from the US.  You can generally get these flights in April and October… times fewer people travel, but those are amazingly gorgeous times to be in England.  You can get 40k AA points with the Citi AA cards.

Another option would be United, but even at the best points-rate, you’ll need to cough up 60k miles.  If you already have Chase Ultimate Rewards, you can transfer them to United.

Delta will also cost you at least 60k.  If you just need to top off your account, you can get 30k with the Gold Delta Skymiles Card.

No matter how you do it, you’ll likely arrive in London in the early morning. You could also do this tour from Manchester(MAN) or Birmingham(BHX) if those flights happen to work better. We’ll assume you start and finish in London, which makes it a little easier.

Renting a Car

You can rent a car for 10 days in England for less than $250.  Many of our trips are centered around renting a car because we love the freedom it allows you to go at your own pace and discover things on your own.  Book with Autoslash.com or Expedia and keep checking back for better rates as you get closer.  Most car reservations don’t even require a credit card and thus are totally risk-free.

Yes, you will be driving on the left side of the road.  Isn’t that exciting? That’s part of what makes this such a fun adventure. The other part will be attempting to spend an entire day talking to your travel companion in a British accent.  You need simple joys like this because with a few exceptions, the food in England is bland.

Britain travel mapTour of Great Britain

What to do in Southampton

Bargate, part of the historic Southampton city wall (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Arriving in London early, you step inside your fuel-efficient rental car and hit the road. You’re headed for Southampton, which, among other historic notes, was the port from which the Titanic departed, where you’ll at least want to see:

After lunch, you’ll backtrack a bit to make a visit to Stonehenge. Stonehenge is on almost everyone’s bucket list… and for good reason.  We won’t enter into the debate about what the site is or isn’t… regardless, it is an impressive site of historical import and you have to see it. Now.

how to get to stonehenge

Take Stonehenge off your bucket list

Once you are done marveling at the mysteries of this site, head towards Cardiff, the capital of Wales, where you’ll stay the first two free nights at the Cardiff Park Inn, a category 3 hotel that will burn 28,000 of your 97k points for the two nights there.

Day 2

CardiffSpend it recouping from the drive on the first day.  You are in Wales, so you may even notice that some people are speaking Welsh. There are many ways to spend your time, but here are some ideas:

  • Cardiff Castle
  • Llandaff Cathedral
  • Historic Coal Exchange Building
  • Pierhead Building

Day 3 

You’re on the road again today, but it’s not too bad a drive.  You do want to get on the road early though.  Make a stop at Tintern Abbey – the subject of Wordsworth’s contemplation. It’s worth a look. Then head directly towards Bath where the main attraction is, not surprisingly, the Roman Baths. Yet that is hardly all there is to see.  In fact, you’ll spend the better part of the day here checking out some of these beauties:

  • The Roman Baths
  • The Bath Abbey
  • The Royal Crescent
  • Pulteney Bridge

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That night you’ll arrive at the Birmingham Walsall Hotel, a category 1 hotel where it will cost you 9,000 of your free points to stay 2 nights. I know it feels like thievery… just enjoy it.

Day 4

Cannock Chase  by Karel Varhaník (PhotosofEngland.com)

Cannock Chase by Karel Varhaník (PhotosofEngland.com)

Today you have your choice.  You can opt for the metropolitan center of Birmingham, where you’ll find a combination of history and modernity.  Or you can opt to escape the city and head for the Cannock Chase Forest – one of few undeveloped areas nearby.  There you can walk or bike the trails and discover a wilderness that has played host to many a werewolf sighting.

Day 5

After another free night stay, you’re on the move again – this time headed to Leigh, which is centered between Liverpool and Manchester. We’ll spend the first day in Liverpool, home of the Beatles. Here are a few things you should check out there:

  • A Beatles Tour
  • Speke Hall
  • Liverpool Cathedral
  • World Museum

When you’re all tuckered out, rest your head at the brand new Park Inn by Radisson Leigh. (15k points)


The reading room of John Rylands library – a cathedral to books

Day 6

Now, to have a look at Manchester. You may want to park on the outskirts and ride the Metro in.  There are many things to see in this town, but here are some highlights:

  • Manchester Town Hall
  • The People’s Museum
  • Old Trafford Stadium Tour (Soccer)
  • John Ryland’s Library

Back to Leigh to rest for tomorrow’s adventure.

Day 7

You’ll be in Nottingham tonight, so go ahead and let that invoke visions of Robin Hood.  That’s a great lead in, because en route to Nottingham we’ll take you by Sherwood Forest, which is just outside Mansfield.  There you can put yourself in the legend by visiting the Major Oak, an enormous oak tree which was Robin Hood’s main hideout.

If you happen to be there on a weekend, you can check out the Mansfield Marketplace – a 700 year-old tradition.

Or maybe you’re more of a literary fiend and you’d like to see Lord Byron’s hometown of Ravenshead, also nearby.

Either way, tonight you’ll land at the Park Inn by Radisson in Nottingham, where you’ll save yourself more than $220 on two nights for merely 15k of your CC points.

Day 8

Waking up in Nottingham, it might be nice to feel like you’re in a little smaller town.  You’ve got a full day ahead of you though.  Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

  • Ye Old Trip to Jerusalem Pub
  • Nottingham Castle
  • Caves of Nottingham
  • Mortimer’s Hole

Day 9 and 10 – London

So far you’ve stayed 8 free nights and spent 67k of your 97k bonus points from the Club Carlson Premier Visa.  That leaves 30k points left – just enough to get you two more nights in a historic hotel on the outskirts of London.  Club Carlson has the Park Inn by Radisson in Thurrock.  If you’re hoping to be right in the center of London, you could opt for the cash+points option and stay in one of their other fine properties.

I can’t even begin to tell you what you need to see in downtown London.  Nicole and I visited London several years ago and here were some of our favorites:

  • See the Crown Jewels and historic London at the Tower of London
  • Westminster Cathedral and Big Ben
  • Picadilly Square at night
  • See a show in the Queen’s Theatre
  • The British Museum

Two days is hardly enough to see London, and hopefully you’ll have time on this trip to stay even a little more.  Even if you don’t, you have countless memories from an incredible tour of Great Britain.

I hope you can grasp the amazing possibilities that are right there for the taking if you will just use your credit responsibly to obtain hotel and airline loyalty points that will open the door to the world for you.

I have a hard time even believing that I’ve just mapped out an 11-day tour of Great Britain with 10 absolutely free nights in hotels.  I know it sounds too good to be true, but read our “Doesn’t it Hurt My Credit” post and do some research on the subject.  We’ve been wanderlusting like this for more than 2 years and my only regret has been not getting an earlier start.

Finally, let’s get something straight… this is cool stuff and you don’t want to miss informative posts like this.  Why don’t you join hundreds of our other readers who subscribe to our posts by email?  You just type your email in the right sidebar and we’ll never abuse your information.

If you liked this post.  You’ll also like:

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Discovering New Zealand’s Greatest Cities

This article is a guest post by our friends at Transfercar, a car rental Australia service that provides connects travelers with rental car relocation needs, enabling free rental car use between cities in Australia and New Zealand.  Keep an eye out for future posts on how to use their service in combination with hotel and airline points for more free travel ideas!

New Zealand’s Greatest Cities

New Zealand enjoys a reputation as one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  Whenever the subject comes up, however, most of the conversation turns to the stunning coastal areas, the beautiful sounds, the dense forests, or the awe-inspiring wine regions.

The cities of New Zealand unquestionably get a bum deal. They are some of the best on the planet, having to suffer only because the rest of the country is a cut above most other locations, too.

With that in mind, it is time to show some love to the very best cities in New Zealand, and remember that they, too, go a long way to making the country such a great one.


New Zealand’s capital city calls itself the capital of cool. Is that a fair reflection or desperation for attention? We are happy to announce that they are definitely on the right track with that description. On a global level, too, not just in terms of New Zealand itself or the Southern Hemisphere.

Photo taken from Wellington Botanic Garden loo...

Photo taken from Wellington Botanic Garden lookout in Kelburn, Wellington, New Zealand, looking East. Wellington Cable Car parked over the maintenance pit at Kelburn station. Doors are open. Kelburn Park is undergoing resurfacing in preparation for Cricket season. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Wellington Zoo and the Museum of New Zealand are both great places for culture and heritage while the Wellington Cable Car starts at the city’s main shopping street and heads high above it. For great views, the latter is somewhere you simply have to head.

Stay at the Cambridge Hotel, a stunning heritage building, and grab something to eat at the Boulcott Street Bistro. The city is right at the south of the North Island, perfect for taking the Cook Strait ferry to South Island.


Alternatively, you might head to the top of North Island to Auckland, one of the most modern and desirable cities in the world. More than just a city, Auckland gives you access to stunning nature reserves, woodland, nature trails, and some of the most historic places in the whole country.

Auckland waterfront at night

Auckland waterfront at night (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Auckland is another great zoo city, but your first choice should be a trip to the observation deck of Sky Tower, New Zealand’s tallest building. While you’re there, have a dining experience with a difference, whether it is gourmet food or a simple sandwich and a coffee.

Sky City has a hotel, too, but The Langham is a great place to stay if you want to get away from spending all of your time in Auckland in one city.


You cannot do a ‘discover New Zealand’ piece and not talk about the South Island. Christchurch is our city of choice, especially given the work that has gone into rebuilding the city following 2010s devastating earthquake.

Make a trip to Christchurch all about the great outdoors, with botanical gardens, fountains, and open spaces almost everywhere you look. The Christchurch Art Gallery, with its distinct shape and mirrored exterior, is also a great place to head.

Stay at The George Hotel in the centre of the city. The food on offer there is divine, but to try something a little different head to Tiffany’s, just a short distance away.

You still have time to discover the countryside, glaciers, snow-capped peaks, and everything else that makes New Zealand great, too. Just don’t forget these amazing cities!

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Priority Club PointBreak

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Priority Club PointBreak is the most efficient way to use your Priority Club points.  You’ll recall that I recently scored 80,000 Priority Club Points in my most recent app-o-rama.  You can too by using the link found on Flyertalk.  Because this isn’t our link, we can’t guarantee that you’ll get the 80,000 but it is a pretty good shot because I just scored the deal about two months ago.

PointBreak Priority Club

Priority Club PointBreak

Here is the list of properties: Priority Club PointBreak

These deals continue through June 30, 2013.  So if you’re headed to one of these locations between now and the end of June, this is a great way to stay.

Your Chase Priority Club Visa card that gives you 80,000 would allow you to stay for 16 nights at these properties.  It makes me want to rent out my house for 1/2 a month and live in the hotel.  If that were possible, then you know I’d probably do it.  It just might be tough finding someone who is interested in renting a house for 16 days.  Maybe if I get my wife the card, and I get the card then we could rent out our house for a month.  Now we’re talking…

These hotels normally go for 10,000-50,000 points per night.  If you’re already headed to one of these locations it is like showing up at Cabela’s all ready to purchase that shotgun, only to realize that they’ve dropped the price by 85%.  That is my kind of sale!!  You won’t even have to think twice about staying there.

Amazing Avis Weekend Car Rental

Never have I seen a deal like this on Car rentals.  I don’t see it lasting very long because it is really too good to be true.  Use Coupon Code “TUEA002”

Weekend Car rental

Amazing Deal Alert

You’re reading that right. I booked a two night weekend car rental from my home town for $2.44. Not $24.44 or $244.44, but a measly two bucks and forty-four Abe’s. It isn’t everyday that you can find something like this, so it is worth jumping on. If you wanted to do a quick run to Vegas to visit your grandma (at least that’s the excuse that you tell your wife) then you can do it for less than a $5 footlong. It will keep you from putting the wear and tear on your own vehicle.

Please also note:  There is no road to rough for a rental car.

Booking the Deal

Make Sure you enter the Coupon Code!!

Reserve your rental car today and hope that Avis doesn’t try to claw back and take this deal away from you. It is very possible they realize the horrible mistake they’ve made and they try to cancel all of these. The deal ends on June 30th, so book now for any weekend between now and then and score this great deal.


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