Photos from our trip to Medellin, Colombia

If you’re only now stumbling across our blog, I’d point you back to my post a little over a month ago where I told the story of how I was taking my family of six to Colombia for 150,000 credit card bonus frequent flier miles and $574.

We’re back now, having had an incredible series of experiences that melded our family together, helped us appreciate our blessings, and gave us a fresh perspective on life.

We chose Colombia despite many peoples’ insistence that it was unsafe or inappropriate for family travel.  In fact, we got to the point to where we had to tell people we were going to Disneyland instead of Colombia, so we didn’t have to explain ourselves while receiving “the guilt stare.” Blowing money on having your kids meet cartoon characters is much more socially acceptable than a foreign culture experience.

If you take the time to look over our photos, I think you’ll see why we feel very satisfied with our decision.

We chose Colombia, but the miles we earned from applying for those cards could have taken us to many places.  It’s amazing how a little bit of due diligence and careful credit management enabled our young family to have the kind of global travel experience we’ve always dreamed of.

Posted in About us, Family Travel, Fun Travel Stories, South America | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Delta 50% Bonus

As I’ve mentioned before my wife and I are expecting our first child who should be joining us within the next month.  My wife wishes that he would join our family tomorrow or tonight, and seeing the size of her belly I’m hoping he does soon because she is about to pop.  We were putting the finishing touches on his room tonight and I was pondering the purpose of my next post.

My wife was the one who actually came up with the theme for his room.  I wasn’t opposed by any means, rather I was excited.  I felt like it fit so well as we both have the wanderlust.  She decided to do a travel theme.  We went online and bought the crib set, a lamp, and found an awesome mobile to go above his crib.  Tonight our final project was a world map on his wall.

It might be a little hard to tell in this picture but we put in the pins from all of the places that we have visited in the world. For me personally it came to 23 countries. I felt like I was an experienced world traveler until I saw a few pins in a large world. I told my wife that I needed some Prozac as I contemplated all the places that I haven’t been. I guess that the thirst for travel might never be satisfied, it’s the unquenchable thirst.

For all of those wanderlusters out there, how many countries have you visited?  Make a comment and let us know.  Leave a list of them if you would really like to wanderbrag.

Our little boy, who at this point will probably be named Max, is set for a few trips before he has even actually joined our family. This little boy has visited five countries already and we are planning another trip where he would visit five more. The first five might not count for him as he was still in the uterus, but who says they don’t?

Delta Offers a 50% Bonus on Transfer Points

This is great news for all of you that have taken advantage of the The Platinum Card® from American Express.  The The Platinum Card® from American Express offers you 25,000 Membership Rewards points after spending $1000 within the first three months. Delta will offer you a 50% bonus on those points, which would actually bring your points awarded for this card up to 37,500.

You must register for the bonus using this link.  Remember that this card gives you other benefits like airport lounge access for you and your guests.  Now your layover can be enjoyable, not sitting in a hard chair, but taking a shower and lounging in luxury.  It will also provide to you $200 of Airline Fee Credits annually to cover incidental charges on your airline of choice, including checked-baggage fees.

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The 4-Hour Workweek – a great Father’s day gift

If you haven’t read Timothy Ferriss’ “The 4-Hour Workweek,” buy it for yourself or for your husband or father for Father’s Day.  The subtitle for the book is, “Escape 9-5, live anywhere, and join the new rich.”  Doesn’t that sound like music to the ears of the wanderluster?

Ferriss is one of those that broke the mold and lives the “in and out of retirement” life.  His premise is simple and powerful – why work through all of your young life and retire at an old age?  Why not take those years of retirement and salt them in while you’re young and exuberant?  (Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of elderly and exuberant people out there… someday I’ll tell you about D.M., the 75 year-old animal that charged headlong into a wild Panamanian adventure).  But seriously, aren’t there things that you’d like to see and do now – things that will influence the remainder of your life?

If sporadic retirement isn’t possible for you, (and it isn’t for most people), can you work while abroad?  Before you answer “no,” think critically and instead of saying “it can’t happen,” say “how can it happen?”  I wrangled my boss into letting me escape to Colombia for four weeks… the only days of vacation I burned were on the way out and back.  Thanks to the miracle of technology I was just as effective sitting on my balcony in the Andes as if I were back in the office.

A Cisco soft phone on my laptop ensured that any calls to me were routed directly to my Bluetooth earpiece through a VOIP connection.  Dameware software enabled me to remotely control my office computer.  A secure VPN connection to the server gave me access to all of my documents and my emails.  I talked to a number of people who had no idea that I was planning a stroll through Parque Bolivar later that evening… they assumed I was in my office as usual… and to them what did it matter if I was fully capable of handling my workload?

You’d be surprised where you’ll find high-speed internet these days.  It didn’t take them long to proliferate the earth with access to real life and responsibility.  I’ve made Skype phone calls from alongside the Bladen River at the base of the Maya Mountains in Belize at the BFREE ecological preserve miles and miles from civilization.  Our Costa Rican jungle mansion didn’t just have an air- conditioned theater room, it also had a screaming fast wireless internet connection.

So, if you take nothing else away from today’s post, remember to challenge the perception that you’re trapped in your mundane life.  You’d be surprised what you can get away with on a shoestring budget when your flights are free thanks to the thousands of miles you’re racking up by prudently managing your credit and taking advantage of the phenomenal benefits they’re offering.

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Picture and Currency Quiz

In 2011, this location played host to one of the worst natural disasters in history.  Where is it, and what currency do they use?
25,000 Membership Reward points, free airport lounge access, and $200 in incidentals

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SPG American Express Approval

I have been trying to strategize on which card to get next for quite some time. I have already nailed the American Airlines AAdvantage Citicard that offered 75,000 miles on two different occasions and I didn’t want them pulling my credit and turning me down.

I also feel like my wife doesn’t have quite the credit history that I do, so I better cool my jets in regards to applying in her name.  When we got married three years ago she didn’t have a single card.  We got her a “Staple Card” and had been building her credit for about two and half years before we applied for her first card.  She was instantly approved for it and her second card was approved after some consideration.  For this reason I’ve figured that she better take it easy for a bit before we go applying for her again.

I’ve got a couple of cards that I’ve had for six years each and some other things that have helped me to build my credit as well.  For this reason I feel like I’m going to cool it with her until she has had these cards for a year before doing anything with her.  As for me, I’m still planning on hitting the 4-5 cards  a year.  I’m just about there as I’ve had four cards in the last year and September will be my card churning anniversary.  It’s been a great year, but I’m always looking forward to my next opportunity.

Yesterday I decided to make the plunge into the hotel card market.

Congratulations Sheldon B Christensen, your application is approved!

We are excited to welcome you to Card membership and all the benefits and services that come with your Card. You should receive your Card in the mail in the next 7 to 10 days.

Until this point I’ve only focused on the airlines points, but now I’m broadening my horizons.  I could totally see myself flying to Europe on an award ticket, and then staying in crappy hotels because the Euro is beating up the dollar so badly.  I decided that the Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card from American Express was going to be my best option.  Their hotels are top of the line and usually have great locations.

I also scored 20,000 Starwood Preferred Guest points on a TDAmeritrade offer that I scored a month ago or so.  This card when I meet the spending requirements and the TDAmeritrade offer will boost me up to at least 60,000 points.  That will hopefully last me quite a while, as I tend to try to use my rewards on the cheapest redemption option always.  At least a few of the hotels in which we stay in Europe will be on the house, then I will feel like spending money on experiences and food will not be a problem because I won’t have many out of pocket expenses.
Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card from American Express card allows you to spend the points as low as 2000 per night.  The chances of scoring that deal is pretty difficult, but you know I’ll be spending the least amount possible.  Take a look at their properties and you will be amazed.  This could take your Disneyland spending down to food and entrance instead of hotel, airfare, food, and entrance.  We want you to go out and explore the world.  Get out there and take you children on vacation.  They will NEVER forget the time that you went on vacation with them.  They might forget about the brand new car you drove, or the biggest TV in the neighborhood, but they’ll never forget going to Mexico.  This site is dedicated to helping you to do that without breaking the bank.  So make the plunge, wanderlust with us.

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American Express Blue Sky

It was the spring of 2005 when I realized that I needed to start building up some credit for myself.  My parents had never encouraged the use of a credit card as many people warn about racking up a lot in spending, only to pay a lot of fees and interest on the credit card.  I elected to get a credit card at my bank, which is US Bank.

I was excited that I had my very own credit card, but it was after my first billing statement when I was totally disgusted when I discovered that the credit card didn’t have any benefits at all.  The interest rate was very low…..who cares?  I never look at the interest rates on the credit cards for which I apply now.  I wouldn’t care if it was 2000%.  I pay my balance off at the end of each month anyway.  It was a few months later that I decided that I wanted a card with some rewards that were actually going to help me.  I did some research and decided that I wanted a card that didn’t have an annual fee, and provided benefits for travel.

After doing all of my research, I settled on the Blue Sky from American Express℠.  When it arrived in the mail I was so excited.  The card was clear, and I felt like a high roller.  I used it everywhere and kept it as my primary card for over five years.  I earned lots of rewards, and loved redeeming them.  The way that this card works is for every $7500 in spending that is done on the card you receive $100 credit toward your travel.  I now know that it isn’t as sexy as a 75,000 AAdvantage bonus from Citi, but I was actually making an amazing decision.

As I look back I feel fortunate that I was able to build my credit for over five years to have a great reputation and a good solid credit score.  This has allowed me to nail some of the best offers ever when it comes to credit cards.  So, for those of you who don’t have a credit card at all, this is a great place to start.  Get the card and wait a bit before you apply for any others.  Remember that applying for too many accounts in a short period of time when you haven’t established your credit is a NO NO.  Be patient.

The deals will continue coming, but keep reading our blog and watch the stuff happen.  Make a good game plan about hitting the cards that are going to help you.  There is nothing like staying in a great hotel and getting a good nights sleep.  For this reason we love accumulating hotel points.  We aren’t staying in the most expensive hotels every night, but their locations are usually amazing and it’s money I would never spend otherwise.  So for those of you who already have airline miles, get some hotel points.  The Starwood Preferred Guest® Credit Card from American Express will give you access to some amazing hotels.

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According to, I’ve seen 8% of the world.  If I’m 32 years old, which I must painfully admit that I am, I have a lot of making up to do.  My brother, who is the more diligent writer on this blog, has been to 25 countries in his 27 years of life.  He got a jump on me because caught the wanderlust at age 16, and I’m not sure I’ll ever catch up.

As we left Colombia earlier this week, my oldest son was insisting that we come back someday.  As much as I’d like to, I’m not sure we ever will… at least not to the same city.  I already have a sailing trip from Panama’s San Blas Islands to the walled Colombian port city of Cartagena very high on my travel priority list, but I’m not sure life will allow me a second trip to Medellin.

It’s kind of sad to think of it that way… but I like to think of it as footprints.  Each place we’ve traveled, we’ve left little remnants behind – a friendship, toys and goodies for children, a carving in a tree (the authorities in the parque de los descalzos stopped me before I could get my trademark heart carved into a bamboo stalk).  And those places have similarly left an impression on me – ciclids nibbling at my legs at a Mayan swimming hole in Belize, the sparkle of the crown jewels in the Tower of London,  the drooping ears and scarred faces of Masai warriors in Tanzania.

I have pictures, but who needs them?  The memories that I have of our travels and adventure experiences are my some of my fondest treasures, and even if I never return, I’ll always have them.

Travel is not just for the uber-rich, it’s for the uber-desirous.  Wanderlust with us.

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