Daily Wanderlust Ideas Via Email

I have two emails – one that I give to people, and one that I give to computers.  That way I’m not afraid to sign up for infinite numbers of websites, alerts and promotions.  Every day I’m invited to wanderlust by dozens of emails offering travel deals.  A good number of them aren’t anything special, but every once in a while, I get some tempting offers.

Just this week, I got this offer to earn up to 4,000 United miles by signing up for Netflix.  Kayak.com sent me my weekly alerts, the only interesting one of which was a deal for $381 to Mexico City out of SLC (sorry if you started to get visions of Tenochtitlan, the deal is already gone).

I also got an email from  Hotels.com Welcome Rewards, reminding me that I still have a free night stay because I’ve booked 10 rooms with them… a program I’m a huge fan of.

With these periodic reminders of how little I’ve traveled and how much there still is to do and see, I’m always aware of

In addition to offers from all of the frequent flier miles programs, here’s an abbreviated list of some of the other sites I get alerts, offers, and periodic emails from:

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2 Responses to Daily Wanderlust Ideas Via Email

  1. Ashley Jensen says:

    Just got my Blue Sky in the mail!

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