Location and Currency Picture Quiz?


Where is this active volcano, and what currency is used there?



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10 Reasons I Love Costa Rica

I’ve compiled a list of ten reasons why you should want to visit Costa Rica.  Let me share them with you.

  1. If you’ve got AAdvantage miles it will only cost you 30,000 per person if you choose the Mile SAAver option.  This is totally reasonable to find flights on this option as long as you plan far enough in advance.  I know that my most recent trip to Costa Rica only cost me 20,000 AAdvantage miles, but you can read more about that in a post from the past. This is great because it only costs you 5,000 more than taking a trip inside the US.  Lets be honest; I have a world wanderlust, not so much as US wanderlust.
  2. The Food:  Gallo pinto for breakfast is an amazing option.

    Gallo Pinto with Scrambled Eggs

    Somehow they cook rice and beans together mixed with the Costa Rican favorite Salsa Lizano.  This blend of flavors is accompanied by fried eggs, or other side dishes as well.  One plate of this stuff will have you coming back for more.  Try having home made pizza with fresh cut pineapple.  Going to Pizza Hut will never be the same when you order a Hawaiian pizza.  My wife couldn’t resist eating the

    Casado with Tilapia

    pizza.  Everywhere we went she was trying to get me to order the pizza and share it with her.  It was great.  The Casado is the Costa Rican staple for breakfast and dinner.  It is your choice of beef, chicken, pork, or fish accompanied with rice, beans, salad, and fried plantains (really good).  You can get these in any restaurant.

  3. Fresh Fruit: Everywhere you go in Costa Rica you can see people growing all types of fruits.  My wife and I love fresh fruit, and Costa Rica is the destination that will satisfy your taste buds.  On our most recent trip we bought strawberries, pineapple, mangoes, oranges, and bananas.  The Mangoes were absolutely amazing.  Luckily the man selling them on the side of the road instructed us on how to cut them.  We had been buying them for a couple of years, but never knowing how to eat them.  I’ll have to do a drawing sometime to show everyone the secret.
  4. Low Costs:  Costa Rica is a very affordable destination.  Keep it mind that it isn’t the cheapest place that I’ve ever gone, but it isn’t too expensive either.  I usually spend about $4-5 per plate at a meal.  That is great especially considering that the food is prepared for you and is much healthier than McD’s.  Our hotels were all very affordable as well.  They have very large ranges, but you can usually get a hotel room that has air conditioning for under $60.  Sometimes you might only pay $20.  Just look around.
  5. The Beach:  The whole Pacific coast is amazing.  I know that lots of tourists use these beach towns for prostitution and other bad things, but if you get out of the towns and see some of the more secluded beaches you can see some amazing places.  Manuel Antonio is a national park and it is absolutely beautiful, but it isn’t the only beautiful beach in the country.  Ask around and we would be more than happy to share some amazing spots with you.
  6. The Volcanoes– Volcan Poas, Volcan Arenal, and many more are not too far from San Jose, and they are absolutely amazing.  I believe that both of the volcanoes are active and you can actually see lava coming out of Arenal during most months out of the year.  When you are lucky enough to have the clouds move from the top you might be able to see the smoke billowing out of the top.  I know that my parents were staying at a hotel at the base of the hotel and when my mom awoke in the middle of the night they saw orange lava pouring down the side of the mountain.  They snapped a sweet photo for a good memory.
  7. The Mountains:  The country albeit small, is filled with volcanoes and mountains.  Driving and seeing the countryside is breathtaking.  You drive from the high  mountains, to the low valleys time and time again.  They are working hard to upgrade their mediocre roads to some serious highways.  There are advantages to both, so I recommend both.  Driving from La Fortuna down to San Ramon had some amazing miradores (lookout points).  It also takes you over some cool bridges and through some small towns.
  8. The People:  One thing that I loved about Costa Rica, which was totally different than the Caribbean is the people.  I feel like they are a very friendly people, who really want you to have a good time visiting their country.  The people in the Caribbean seem to just want your money.  I also felt like the Costa Ricans were really industrious.  They were growing fruits and plants in the mountains and on the plains.  They cultivate all types of fruits and vegetables, and totally take care of their land.  Pura Vida is a very common saying down there, which translates to “Pure Life.”  After any transaction or walking in the street people will say “Pura Vida.”
  9. Waterfalls:Almost Paradise.  There are many waterfalls all across the country.  The two favorite ones that I’ve visited are the Nauyaca waterfall and the La

    La Fortuna

    Fortuna waterfall.  Both of them allow you to swim in the water right below the waterfall, which is really recommended.  The fresh water feels rather cool and refreshing after spending most of your day in the sun.  They both also require  quite a hike to arrive, so the water feels even better once you’ve achieved your destination.  They charge you a couple of bucks to see each of them, but the Colones are well spent.  I know that they have other waterfalls too, but these are the two that I’m most familiar with.  I recommend both of them to anyone.

  10. Wildlife:  This place is stocked with all types of wildlife.  We visited the La Paz Waterfall Gardens and it felt like you were at a zoo, but at the animals’ natural habitat.  Seeing a Jaguar in the jungle is different than seeing one at your local zoo. They have an aviary, butterfly garden, monkey, snakes, jaguars, frogs, hummingbirds, and tons of other animals too.  They even let me feed a Tucan some fresh fruit from my own hand.  Many people visit Costa Rica just to do birdwatching.  I commend these people and I’m sure that they see some amazing birds, but I just pay a few bucks to see them in an aviary instead.

I’ve been to 24 countries and there are very few that I have visited more than once.  Usually my thoughts tell me that I shouldn’t be going to the same place more than once until I’ve traveled a great percentage of the world.  Sometimes I give in to my world wanderlust and I visit a country more than once.  Costa Rica is one of the countries that I’ve visited twice, and I’d even consider traveling there again.

Wanderlust in Costa Rica with us.

Posted in Central America, Fun Travel Stories | Tagged | 2 Comments

Flight Vouchers Update

I posted a while ago about secondhand vouchers.  People with less of an urge to travel than you and I will often sell their vouchers well below their value, particularly when they’re getting close to expiration.  Technically they’re non-transferrable, but as long as you have the voucher number and the name of the person it was issued to, you shouldn’t have any trouble booking yourself a flight.

I try to update this page periodically with vouchers out there for sale on Craigslist. I like to use www.searchtempest.com to search all Craigslist postings at once.  Please pursue these opportunities at your own risk, as with every transaction, there’s a chance these people could be scammers.

United vouchers at 70% of face value: http://saltlakecity.craigslist.org/tix/3209949546.html

$300 American Voucher: http://saltlakecity.craigslist.org/tix/3137937439.html

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How to obtain airline status

There are two ways in which people can obtain status with airlines.  These are:

  • Flight segments
  • Total miles flown in one year

I’ve included a chart from American Airlines’ Elite Status Qualification page.  This shows how many flights or segments you would need to fly in order to gain status with the airlines.  What are the benefits you ask?  Look Here. 2011 Elite Status Qualification

Elite Status Miles or Points Required Segments Required
Executive Platinum 100,000 100
Platinum 50,000 60
Gold 25,000 30

I’ve read a lot about things that are called Mileage Runs. Let me do some explaining as to how they work. Essentially you find a flight that is a great deal by looking on http://www.farecompare.com/search/flyertalk.html.  This is an example from SLC to see where someone might be able to start a mileage run.  This would let you know what cities would be a great place for a mileage run.  The PPM is the key as it tells you how many points per mile that flight would cost you.  It will help you to get maximum miles for the least cost.

The next tool that is used is matrix1.itasoftware.com. This tool helps you to find the most affordable flight to your destination by taking the largest number of stopovers, thereby allowing you to have the most amount of flight segments that will ultimately give you status with the airlines. Here is where you input the flight location.  I chose the month long search that shows the entire month.

The next page shows you the month and the dates that work for your search.  You click on the lowest price, which is the date with the yellow box.  You could also unclick the “1 Stop” box as to allow for more stopovers, which would in turn result in more segments on your way to having status with the airline.

This is the final result.  I’ve looked through some of the cheapest flights and it looks like there is a Continental flight that would go through Washington DC, and that would result in a few more miles than flying through Atlanta.  It may seem trivial, but every mile counts.   You can use this airline miles mileage calculator to see how many miles each itinerary will get you.

I realize that this might be a lot to understand for a beginner, but you’ll get there.  Keep hanging with us and watching. Let us know if you have other questions.

Learn to Wanderlust with us.

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Kilimanjaro – The new site header photo

Some of you may have noticed the new header on our site.  This is a photo that I took on our 2010 ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa.  We were getting ready to crawl into our tents on the second night on the Machame route when the sun cast its last rays over the Shira cone and the gap between us.  Photos don’t often, if ever, immutably record the immensity of the beauty and the feelings of awe that accompany the sight, but this one comes close.  These are the moments without which life is incomplete.

We booked the tour on www.ClimbingKilimanjaro.com and were aided by a very competent and friendly team of guides, cooks and porters.  It was a tremendous challenge and an unforgettable experience.  I’d love to tell you all about it, but I’ll wait until someone comments to the effect that they’d like to hear the details.

This photo replaces the 
Ortelius Typus Orbis Terrarum (world atlas) which previously graced the homepage of www.WorldWanderlusting.com.  I am infatuated with the Ortelius Atlas for a few reasons.  First, it represents the yearnings of ancient explorers – eager to discover a world which was far less homogenous than the one we have now.  Also, Abraham Ortelius was a Familist.   His beliefs that love and religion are one and that God and mankind are in partnership shine through in symbolism in the map.   Finally, the quote by Cicero (of whom I am an enormous fan) says something to the effect of: “Who is he, to whom human affairs seem great, when one contemplates the Earth in all of its glory?”

Keep wanderlusting with us.

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How I Became a Frequent Flier Mile Pro

Let’s be honest, I wasn’t born with the knowledge that I’ve obtained about being a Frequent Flier Mile professional.  In fact, I need to make a confession.  At one point I even allowed my AAdvantage Miles to expire.  I have since learned that allowing your frequent flier miles to expire is one of the seven cardinal sins.

I’ve always been a wanderluster.  I have always loved to travel.  When I was a young child I used to tell my dad “Wherever dad goes….I go.”  I have always watched for great travel deals, but never understood how to fly for free.  My diligence in watching for good deals has paid off a number of times.  I’ve gone to Panama for $230 round trip from SLC, sent friends and family to Costa Rica and Belize for $250 out of SLC as well,  amongst other great deals.  It seems like things seem to taste better when they are free though, right?

Last September I caught the wanderlust.  I must admit that the frugaltravelguy was the source of my inspiration.  He talked about the 75,000 American Airlines AAdvantage frequent flier deal for months.  I watched him diligently and made a calculated decision to jump.  I’m a pretty skeptical guy and I was very proud of my 800 credit score.  I didn’t want to do anything that might hurt my credit.  Little did I know at the time that it had a very small and very short lived affect to my score.  Since then I’ve done lots of research and watched a lot of people hit great deals.

After I got the 75,000 AAdvantage deal I was excited because I had almost 100,000 frequent flier miles in the bank.    After I had met the spending requirement I decided to apply for that same card for my wife.  When she was approved and we met the spending requirements I was ecstatic.    I told everyone that I knew about the deal.  I’m sure that my friends and family were bored to tears about me talking about the deals that I had hit. I would be that between Brad and I we hooked people up with over 50 cards.  Some people took our advice, others mocked with various credit fallacies, so it was a mixed bag, but it sure was fun to share.

I felt a great deal of satisfaction in helping others create memories that last a lifetime.  I know how much traveling has helped me to mature and love other people, and that is one of the best gifts that can be given.

My brother, Brad, was just as excited as I was.  Before we knew it we were both applying for cards on a very calculated basis so we could start racking up the points and miles.  Between he and his wife, and my wife and I we’ve scored  over a million frequent flier miles and points in the last year.  This site is dedicated to helping you acquire millions of frequent flier miles too. We want you to take free trips with your spouses or your families.

We will teach you about credit, points, airlines, and so much more.  Our goal is to help you to become a professional frequent flier.  We want the TSA officials at your local airport to know your name.  We want you to put more pins in the map of the places that you’ve gone, and we want you to do it without having to pay.

Obviously there is a potential for us to make money along the way as well.  Whenever possible we ask you to use the links that we provide.  This will ensure that you will continue to get great service and feedback.  We will always attempt to answer your questions and research things we don’t know.  Drop us a line and we will be here to help.

Posted in Amtrak, Cheap Honeymoons, Credit Advice, Fun Travel Stories | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Currency and travel quiz

In what country was this picture taken and what currency do they use there?


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